Monday, April 25, 2016

Another great SPH weekend!

Got in a little riding and got Graham out on some trails (along with some yard work, and a trip to the zoo among other things). Saturday turned out to be a pretty much perfect day to do just about anything.

Woke up Saturday morning at 5 to get in a couple of laps before a big day of mulch work, accurately assuming that we'd be working into the kids' naps so wouldn't have a great window for riding. I headed out to the garage and found my front tire mostly flat... don't actually fix it... just pump it up!

Headed up the Cowpath for the first time of the year. It went alright. I sort of want a technical but more SS friendly path around the big rock... but sort of don't want to cheapen the trail... yeah... getting off and walking isn't a problem. No ride around!

The trails were a bit damp from the morning dew, but other than getting a little dirty it was pretty much perfect. On my second lap, I noticed that my rear tire was now pretty much flat... GAH! Up the ski trail climb and out to the meadows to head back. I ended up blasting some CO2 into it and it held all the way home. I PROBABLY should actually look into it and make sure I don't have anything destroying tubes...

Love the views on the South Side of the bluff

The views on the North Side are also pretty good in places
After naps and yardwork was complete we headed back up the bluff as a whole family and Graham got to hit some singletrack. 4 loops of our personal "green loop" (with a couple of re-rides of the "hill") and he was excited but exhausted. Carly was toting Jillian in the backpack so she was a bit pooped out too... a solid day!

Carving a curve on the "hill"

"Riding" the log skinny

She's got personality

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