Thursday, November 15, 2012

GCSSC 2012

Goodhue County Single Speed Championship

The day is fast approaching. This Sunday is the Goodhue County Single Speed Championship. Ol' Scraggs is the reigning champion. (I still have hopes of getting him into a tight pink girls small t-shirt that I have written on.) This year he has some real competition gunning for him. Pollywog Kusethegoose will be nipping at his heels trying to take that dainty t-shirt away from him. A emerging adolescent with a lack of respect for authority and even less respect for his boss Natty-Ice will be making his bid to be the GC Single Speed Champion. Some out of towners will be attempting to make a claim on foreign land, Red Beard and Cabin Boy will be making their presence known. Blackbeard and Lar-Dog will be in the mix bound to cause a ruckus and spur some fierce racing. Trailing behind all these scallywags will be the Asian Express which is anything but. He will be attempting to finish this year on a ship that has yet to see the open seas. There is a good chance that she won't even float...Only time will tell and soon we will know who our 2012 GCSS Champion will be.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


With a small crew aboard sphcx went on.  Some may have felt like they were dragging anchors others just felt like the serpentine of death was the plank that had to be walked in to the deep blue.  With the sphcx booty in the trunk sph had to compromise.  Dragging some some barriers from the weeds and Natty-ice coming up clutch with his version of a barrier, we made due.  Final results:


Looks like this week will see the return of more of the crew.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Back to TBMS... and a return of the PINWHEEL OF DEATH...

It was a larger than normal crew out for the late afternoon Sunday 'cross battle. The Saturday rains didn't really soften the concrete like course so it was another fast, hard battle.

Job had one of his patented sprints from the gun and got the "hole shot" with Matt in hot pursuit. He quickly passed Job and he never looked back. There was a solid battle for second-fourth place though as Elliott and Isaac were in touch for most of the race and Job was just a bit behind them. Larry was doing his thing in 5th with Bill and Ray rounding out the field.


1- Matt
2 - Elliott
3 - Isaac
4 - Job
5 - Larry
6 - Bill
7 - Ray (Roy)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

He was 10 feet tall.... with beautiful hair...

Night riding... or in this case... early morning riding.... no other time while mountain biking is as peaceful. The silence (other than my heavy breathing and assorted bike noises - I thought SS was supposed to be quiet!) allows contemplation about what is important in the world... or maybe just time to completely veg out and try to think of a song other than that goofy Gotye one...

Then the mind starts to get a bit too busy. Not thinking about anything in particular other than "you are being watched". Maybe I'm alone in this, but when I am riding in the dark solo I inevitably get to the point where I KNOW that there is some man or beast about 10 feet off the trail just watching. Sometimes it's just a deer in my head (and this is probably actually something that DOES happen). Bats and other small varmints darting around just adds to the heightened sense of impending attack by random animal that isn't native to the Red Wing area.

Added into the mix this time was the fact that earlier in the week a couple of escapees from the Correctional Facility probably traversed the bluff on their run for freedom.

Would someone convicted of burglary or assault think twice about knocking me off my bike with a big stick and then taking the Waltworks to Mexico? Granted the gearing is not set-up for a trans-continental trip, so he/she would not be able to make too hasty of a get-away... but still. STICK TO THE HEAD! Yep... my brain is awesome.

THEN.... right when I was finally thinking... "ok, you... there is nothing in the woods"... I round a corner in the ski trail (bypassing the log drop at this witching hour)... WHAT WAS THAT!!!! ???? !!!! Some sort of huge shape seems to quickly move off of the trail just before my lights can really catch what it was/if anything was there... I'm not saying I saw a bigfoot... but I saw something (or nothing... just fun to say that I saw something). The rest of the ride I swore I could hear tree knocks and other bigfooty things.

So... what have I learned?

1) Lots of leaves down on the trail so watch for that.
2) My bike needs the chain to be cleaned and for the front brake to be looked at for dragging.
3) Riding up on Memorial in the dark is sweet.
4) There may or may not be a skunkape up on Sorin's Bluff.

Monday, October 8, 2012


As the weather gets cooler the thoughts stray to night rides, cross races, snow races, snow riding, skiing, gravel rides, races next summer... I do like fall! (other than the darned leafers)


Cross up at the High School was fun. Cool to have a change of pace. The course was more of a power course than it seems like the TBMS courses are. The wind also really whips up there making some sections harder, and definitely colder... Weaving through the trees was fun, little run up was fun... nice idea Jake!

The Wheelhouse lads had a Trek demo out of town and Marcus had Cross-Country so the racer numbers were down a little. Still was worth it. Results were:

1st - Jake
2nd - Isaac
3rd - Larry

That leaves the standings after 3 events (Jake has started to consolidate his lead!):

Jake - 27 points
Isaac - 17 points
Larry - 16 points
Marcus - 13 points
Job - 7 points
Natty Matty Ice - 0 points
Eric - 0 points
Elliott - 0 points

Update! Here are some photos from the big event!

Isaac weaving through the pines

Isaac's patented Super Mario Jump over the barriers

Larry dominating some barriers

Jake with the flying re-mount about to catch Lar

Friday, October 5, 2012

Standings in the SPHCX series after round 2

Jake - 17 points
Marcus - 13 points
Larry - 11 points
Isaac - 10 points
Andrew - 7 points

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Results of SPHCross #2

Quick results (recap to follow maybe):

1. Jake
2. Larry!
3. Isaac
4. Job
5. Marcus

Monday, September 24, 2012

SPHcx! Gran Prix race 1

The first race of the SPH Cross series is in the books. Marcus man pulled out a big win. The race started out fast and furious! (Yes, that is an intentional movie reference.) Job taking the holeshot and apparently owed some cash from Kuse the goose. Marcus and Jake quickly took the lead. Isaac and Larry easily surpassed Job after a lap. Marcus continued to pull away and put Jake in the pain cave. Job however went spelunking in the pain cave and came up vomiting. Isaac and Larry hammered on. Larry attempted to close the gap to Isaac but the captain was too strong and kept his gap to round out the podium. It was an exciting day of cross racing and it's just the beginning. We know next week Jake will come out swinging and perhaps we'll see some new faces.

Standings after Race #1

Marcus - 10 pts
Jake - 7 pts
Isaac - 5 pts
Larry - 4 pts
Andrew - 3 pts

SPHCross #1 recap

It started out a blustery day and the cooler (as in body temp) among the hardy SPH clan were in full arm warmer and leg covering mode. The sun was out though and warmed nicely throughout the warmups.

Marcus set the course and it was a doozy. One of the longer courses that we have done... Add in one more mini loop and it would be all official length. There was a stair run-up, a small sand pit, and a couple of steep little hills that mercifully were at least sort of rideable.

Job got the hole shot with Everyone close behind. Larry and Isaac quickly decided to tone it down to prevent utter body explosion. Job hung tough until the first trip up the double climb...after that it was really a two man fight for first. Jake hung on to Marcus's wheel for 3-4 laps but lost the wheel shortly thereafter. From then on the only battles left were for third and to see who would blow the most chunks.

In the end Isaac held on to third despite a tipped barrier (thanks to a bobble by Larry at the same obstacle) and Job won the barf battle by blowing twice.

Next week will bring a new course and hopefully some more good competition!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

MNMTB in underway!

So far two races into the season and SPH is already leaving their mark on the series. Marcus has won his age group and top 10ed in COMP!!!!

Elliott has represented the orange and green in Comp as well. Though his race in Mankato was cut short due to a crash.

And finally- Larry and Isaac both toed the line in the Sport race in Mankato. Awesome fun and super close times. We both finished mid-pack with Larry beating Isaac by 8 seconds!!!!

Next weekend it is the home race. Only problem is that most of the team will be running the race..... Hmmm...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Med City Marathon.... YARGH!!!

So... for some silly reason SPHers like to think of themselves a fairly diverse lot. Marcus likes to go crazy predicting the weather and playing basketball with tiny little basketballs, Larry likes to stress out over every detail about events that we are a part of, Job likes to sleep, Eric travels the world, Elliott likes to.... ummmm... crochet?, and apparently since Jake and I signed up for the Med City Marathon, we like to run. Oh... Jake also LOOOOVES to slack line...


Since we're both such great runners we decided that doing tons of running leading up to the race would just be pure poppycock and a waste of time. Plus, what's more b-a than running a marathon when your recent long run is like 10 miles (or worse)? Am I right? (ok... Jake and I both had injury problems so were in doubt to even start up until a week before).

The morning started off nicely with a 20 minute wait for a bus. Then crammed three to a school bus seat out to Byron. A quick stop off to lighten the load literally seconds from starting and we were off!

Jake had mentioned that he wanted to cool it and run with me (he runs WAY faster than me) for a few miles to make sure all systems were go. That lasted about 1.5 miles until we got to the county road that goes from Byron to Rochester. I was all for him doing his thing (so I don't feel like an anchor) and he was off. I settled into a nice comfy pace. Amazingly this meant sticking to the 4:15 pacer like a remora. Note.... other than starting... this would be categorized in my head as mistake #1 for the day. I can't run a 4:15 pace for 5 miles let alone 26.2. I should have been back in the 4:30-4:45 from the get go (knowing that it was going to turn into a crapfest with the heat later... though maybe going as fast as possible early on was smart since the weather wasn't brutal until about 9 o'clock... anyway... I digress).

Things were going swimmingly as I saw our lovely wives out on the course at miles 3 and 6 (approx). But the heat was starting to ratchet up. At about mile 8 or so I passed a medical team strapping someone onto an ATV to cart him to get some medical attention. This was the only person being carted anywhere that I saw all day. Which almost is amazing considering. Anyway... I knew that at roughly mile 10.5 we'd pass by my brother's 'hood so I'd get a little sugary treat and would check in with Carly and Claire... Confidently I said "I'm doing pretty good... I'll keep going". After leaving the happy thoughts of seeing friendly faces reality hit me. I was at mile 10.5... they were going to meet up with me at mile 20. The thought of being "alone" on the course for ten miles, in the heat, with a somewhat questionable knee started to freak me out. Stupidly though the only thing that I could think of was, "I might not make it to mile 20 by the time Jake is finishing... I don't want to take that away from Jake...".

While hating the hot weather, I generally at least know my limits and drink enough to not have to really worry about heat stroke or really being in danger. After about mile 20 I was cramping when I tried to run. So while I tried jogging off and on, it was mostly walking. No one was passing me though, so EVERYONE hanging out in my snail pace was walking. The stretch of course that went around the golf course was the WORST!!! This is what it felt like:

I kept going... grabbing ice when I could. Walking slowly through sprinklers when I could. Getting ANY shade I could even if it meant walking sideways along a concrete wall. Nothing too dramatic really happened though from mile 24 to mile 26. Walking. Mixed with crappy attempts at running which would end in me shaking my head at my crampy calves. Then... the finish:

I figured it was a rule that you had to attempt to run into the finishing chute and across the line. So I did. Until I cramped HARD! The announcer thought I had a blister or something... really? A blister? GAH! So I just sucked it up and waddled/ran/hobbled across the line. 5:39 or something. Yippee.

Ugh. At least in this heat, never again. Should have just ran the 1/2. Especially stupid when the 1/2 split from the full at mile 12. Oh well.

Jake struggled but is always faster at everything that I am (even struggling) so he clocked in a very respectable 4:37 (approx).

Jake will be running another one (is it because he had fun, or because now I have TWO of them while he only has 1???) but I may just have to hang up my full marathon shoes.

Next up? Mt. Kato (I think)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

BOOOO!!!! HISSSS!!!!!! yea?

I know, I know... it's been a long time. No excuses...

So... what has happened in the world since the last post? Eh.... I don't pay enough attention.... let's change the question....

What has SPH been up to since the last post?.... there we go. That's in my wheelhouse....

Well... Lar Dawg, the Madman, and Blackbeard all ventured down to Rochester for the Sandwich 50. We all had wildly diverging goals... Lar and I to get 5 laps in (out of 7) and the Madman had dreams of winning. (Ok... I think the goal was to finish, but I'm not certain that winning didn't cross his mind)

The night before the race was super wet, so the trails were a bit of a mud pit for the first couple of laps. That didn't help my singlespeeding one iota. When Brenden Moore laps you on your second lap, you just aren't very fast.

Things were going ok for all until I started to get a bit stiff in the wrists and lower back. Nothing a five minute break won't hurt... unfortunately during that five minute break I checked the radar on my phone and saw a storm of biblical proportions off in the distance. Using my engineer's brain I deduced that I had a little over two hours left until it was absolutely pouring. So I got on the bike and tried to blast out a quick lap so I could maybe get my five in. Alas my quick lap was slow as I was starting to feel the onset of slight cramps... oh well... I'll still be good I thought. After doing my lap I grabbed a little turkey jerky and checked the radar again. Big mistake. I talked myself into believing that I had no chance of beating the rain. So I was done after 4 fun but hard laps. Larry rolled in about 30 minutes later and did his awesome 5. Then the Madman of Seville rolled into the finish line. Doing his 7 laps and dominating this old timer. Nice work Marcus!

Next up for the crew (only Marcus and Elliott this time) was Afton. Larry and Isaac despise the course, so we sat it out. Elliott and Marcus took it on... and dominated! Actually I have no idea how Elliott did, but Marcus got 9th overall in his first comp race! so things are looking to be exciting this year for the green and orange!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Product Review: Northwest Knee Warmers

This is the first SPHreview and I'll be sure to post up all sorts of pictures when I get the chance to be thorough.

So. At the Ragnarok one of the riders brought some samples of her Northwest Knee Warmers embrocation. Being a generally sceptic person I was a bit skeptical(duh!) about it. I have read of 'crossers in Portland and Europe use the stuff when it is cold and wet, but in Minnesota it is either cold, or wet. Not both. At least generally.

As luck would have it, yesterday's weather provided rain and 40 degree temps. Normally I would just throw on some leg warmers but what would happen when they get soaked? Cold legs, that's what. So I put on my bins and wool under jersey. Jersey vest and arm warmers would have to do for the top.

Once dressed I leerily opened up the tin of "mild" Northwest Knee Warmers. I can't describe the smell that wafts up to your olafactory senses. I didn't find it totally unpleasant, but Carly did. Note: everyone else could smell me as well and that might not have been a good thing.

Applying the embrocation is different. It melts at a LOW temp. This is not something to forget on it's side in a hot car! I grabbed a big dab and applied liberally to my thighs, hamstrings and calves. I didn't really feel anything really, but smelled like a spring rose!

Hopping on the bike I noticed that my legs didn't really feel all that warm (maybe I should have used the medium strength stuff- I thought). I did notice the water beading on my legs. Not sure how helpful that is, but I would guess it would be a good thing. After 15-20 minutes my legs still weren't warm. But they weren't cold either. It must be working I thought. Powering up some climbs, I felt great.

On the slow buildup to the last climb I was starting to feel the wind and cold a bit more..... Felt good on the climb though and was really thinking that this stuff must be great! Then the descent happened. Ice cream headache, frozen hands, frozen feet, and legs finally getting cold. Hmmmm.

So. The ride ended with me wet and cold. I think most of that has to do with the lack of shoe covers and bad gloves. My legs were definitely warmer than uncovered legs should have been. So.... Will Northwest Knee Warmers be on my spindles next cold weather wet ride? I am not sure. For pure biking enjoyment? Then yes! Read on for why I am unsure....

Clean-up. Hopped right in a warm shower to warm up and wash up. Scrub with some soap..... and... it BURNS!!!!!! Like in front of a bonfire burns. And to pile on it just doesn't feel like it is being fully removed with the soap. Oh well. Gotta eat.

Piling into some jeans.... Man my legs are warm!!!! They don't hurt, or itch. Just VERY warm. A couple of hours later and the legs feel good. Then middle of the night? About 8 hours after initial application my legs caught on fire again! Waking up in a pool of sweat is no fun! Legs still really hot. Desperate I used some 409 or something sprayed on my legs. Aaaaahhhhhh. Relief.

So.... The final answer is --- cool product but needs research and patience to clean up well. Would like to try again with rubbing alcohol or something to remove quickly.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Testing testing

Hey! They make blogger apps for a mobile phone!!!!

Unfortunately I can't figure out how to post YouTube videos.... So close your eyes and imagine David Bowie dressed all weird and singing about Major Tom and crap...

Friday, March 30, 2012


Monday, January 30, 2012

Some music to waste time

Sitting here... waiting for the dryer to be done with a load of laundry... watching some Youtubes... enjoy!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Winter Doldrums

Luckily we've been able to get out and cross it up still... we need more snow to get out and SPHski....

Still... trainer rides, core workouts, and the occasional 'cross race are not bad ways to pass the time in winter.

Ole Scraggs has talked me into the Med City marathon... I'm such a moron. Anyways... once February hits my running training kicks into gear. Not sure if I'll hit the Y or the slippery pavement, but I'll have to get my butt in gear.... that one is at the end of May... also looking to tackle (and complete) the Sandwich 50 again (if it is held).