Thursday, November 15, 2012

GCSSC 2012

Goodhue County Single Speed Championship

The day is fast approaching. This Sunday is the Goodhue County Single Speed Championship. Ol' Scraggs is the reigning champion. (I still have hopes of getting him into a tight pink girls small t-shirt that I have written on.) This year he has some real competition gunning for him. Pollywog Kusethegoose will be nipping at his heels trying to take that dainty t-shirt away from him. A emerging adolescent with a lack of respect for authority and even less respect for his boss Natty-Ice will be making his bid to be the GC Single Speed Champion. Some out of towners will be attempting to make a claim on foreign land, Red Beard and Cabin Boy will be making their presence known. Blackbeard and Lar-Dog will be in the mix bound to cause a ruckus and spur some fierce racing. Trailing behind all these scallywags will be the Asian Express which is anything but. He will be attempting to finish this year on a ship that has yet to see the open seas. There is a good chance that she won't even float...Only time will tell and soon we will know who our 2012 GCSS Champion will be.


Lars said...

The weather is going to be so nice, I might just stop for a pic-i-nic on top of Lehrbach

Blackbeard said...

I'm debating if I just go in my bibs and some wrist bands or if I go traditional and wear a jersey too...