Wednesday, October 28, 2015

1.5 weeks to the big one

Goodhue County Single Speed Championship... the GCSSC... 'da County... the big one... the Race of the Frosty Noses.... whatever you want to call it... it is almost here.

For those not obtaining and opening official email correspondence.

When: Nov. 8, starting at 10:00 from Larry's backyard

What: The single best race that starts and finishes in Larry's backyard. Up the impossibly steep run up to get to the road and then the lovely gravel and singletrack that everyone knows and loves.

What What (Gravel traditional):

  • right onto Lehrbach (gravel)
  • Left onto Flower Valley (pavement)
  • Right onto Orchard (gravel)
  • Right at top of Orchard
  • Right onto Flueger
  • Right onto Flower Valley (pavement)
  • Left onto Lehrbach
  • at Bush St/Golf Links Drive take a right
Note that we could decide to run it backwards just cause...

What What What (the Bluff):
  • Off of the road take a left onto the cart path just after the driving range
  • Take a left onto the ski trail (HARD left and there is now a gate to watch for!)
  • Stay left when the ski trail splits (right is the steep short cut)
  • Climb all the way to the 5-way and continue up the hill (take the singletrack switchbacks to your left right at the 5 way proper).
  • At top of hill and into "Meadow 3" follow the South (left) side of the meadow to loop around to where Stairway joins and keep going. Follow around to where it enters the woods
  • Take "Lay Down Sally" (stay straight on the trail) the whole way until the trail spits you out at the edge of "Meadow 1"
  • Take all of the "BLACK" trail on the North side of the bluff (from old start finish, through whoopdies, QRT all the way down, etc. etc. Only real optional is the log drop.
  • After you get spit out at the 5 way continue down the bluff, this time taking the steep short cut trail that is to your left as you start going down the ski trail
  • Tradition dictates that we eat stew afterward. There may be enough kids around that we'll also need a pile of chicken fingers. Who will make what? (the earlier time will make stew making a bit more interesting). 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Riding Post-Leafers

Mid to Late Fall is the best time to ride!

The bluff is buff and the weather isn't overly crazy hot (though I still end up stripping off everything but my bibs and jersey). The Cowpath has hidden rocks and roots. Everything is beautiful!

Fall is also 'cross season. Now, we've been less into cyclocross this year than previous for a few reasons...

1) Marcus is at school, so one less rider (and when we have 4-5 riders that is a big hit!)
2) Jake and Job have crazier schedules it seems.
3) Carly is working 1/3 of the weekends and having 2 kids makes it harder to 'cross when you are solo (not bad, just a fact).

Also... racing "official" races is way more expensive. $15 one day licenses. $35 entry.... $50!!! Even as a 1-2 racing 60 minutes for $50... yikes... and yuck.

But Graham is loving 'cross...

Monday, October 12, 2015

SPH Cross #1 -- Race "Report"

The first 'cross race at Twin Bluff Middle School for 2015 is in the books.

Jake (with some help from Job and Larry) set up the course this time, and it was a fairly pure power course. Lots of long sections around football fields, and one haul up the hill (that was rideable). The main "feature" was a bunny hoppable barrier that was really only bunny hoppable consistently by Jake.

One other note: We tried out a "penalty loop" of sorts. To try and get things more "competitive" those in front have to do extra loops of a section. Yesterday just happened to require a trip around the little league field bases.

The course started out fast with a leg out along the football field, and then looped onto the parking lot to head to the little sand pile. The specter of the asphalt/concrete on the other side of the sand pile kept everyone on the safe (and faster anyway) line away from the loose sand.

From the sand pile we went on the track to turn around a garbage can. This lead to the first barrier, which was a 2x8 or 2 x 10 leaning against some tires. After this barrier, there was some zigzagging around some tires and the goalpost. Then it was a straight shot 95% up the hill, then back down and around the infield.

The course finished up with some stretches along the football field (and around the other backstop) leading to the set of 2 barriers and then a tight loop around the drainage.

We were set-up for approximately 35 minutes of racing. Job got the hole shot (as always) but by the time we got to the sand pile Jake was in front, with Job, Isaac and Larry following close behind. Jake effortlessly hopped the barrier and Job set up to do the same... but something went a bit haywire. Job clipped is front wheel and did a 180 degree flip in the air to land on his head/neck/shoulder. The race was neutralized for a few minutes as we determined if Job was alive or not. And then if his bike was broken. And then if anything else was broken. Casualties of the wreck - a semi-shiner for Job, and a busted helmet.

Race was back on and Jake soon started to exert his dominance. The extra loop worked for 3 laps or so as I was able to stay right around (if not even in front) of Jake for a lap or two.. but then I decided to take a couple of penalty loops to bring Larry back in, and Jake was now way out front. Larry was just a little behind with a few laps to go when I hit my last self-imposed penalty lap. Larry was now in front to reel in.

Unfortunately the heat took its toll, and I had a bad lap or so... my legs lost all power, gasping for breath... dying the slow 'cross death. With one lap to go, I emptied by water bottle over my head and instantly felt invigorated. Larry was still out there... was he too far in front? I determined then and there to try and pull him back. Up the hill one more time... pedaling down the hill... standing up and "sprinting" across the ball field... taking the last corner... there he was... and I instantly felt like breakfast was going to come up. Not wanting to vomit right in front of women and children I pulled over and barely avoided making a mess.

Solid first week of cross!

Friday, October 9, 2015

The GCSSC 2015 Post

It's getting to be that time of year again. The biggest race of the year. The fabled Goodhue County SingleSpeed Championship (or GCSSC for those who like appreviations).


When - November 8th , starting at roughly 10:00 or so. Should have a chance to warm up a little but those SPHers from more out of town can be on the road earlier (Marcus and Matt, we're looking at you).

What - Part Gravel, Part Singletrack, all stew powered! We are starting at the standard Langsdorf location as per the last couple of years. After the initial awkward run-up we hit the gravel of Goodhue County. Lehrbach, Orchard, Flueger, and then back to Lehrbach (unless we decide to go backwards). Some real climbs in there to get the legs loosened up. Then we move on to the bluff and it's singletrack. New this year is the extended climb up from the driving range. You MUST stay to the left when the climb Ys (to take the long way around). This will go all the way up to the 5 way. Do the switchback climb up the first part of the 5 way climb, and then stay on "Blue" trails on the south side. Once you hit "Meadow 1" (the start finish for the MNMTB race) you will then do all black on the north side. Nothing too crazy, and you can pick to do the log drop or not. Then at the 5 way, bomb back down. You CAN take the first left (short cut) heading down. Watch for walkers!

Rules: Must be completed/competed on a singlespeed or you have to vouch that you never shifted.

Oh... and we'll have some stew and hanging out afterwards. Not great timing for those with kids that nap, but oh well.