Monday, June 27, 2011


Now that the local mountain bike race is behind us (way to represent 4/8ths of the main team!) it's time for the real season to re-kick off....

Free and fun SPH races!!!!

Firstly... the next SSSS has to happen, and soon! This week... check your calendars... tentatively Friday but heck... tomorrow works for me! We'll be at the standard drag strip... 5 rounds of pain.

Secondly... a few of us have mentioned a Duathlon... well... let's do it! Again... date to be determined... along with the logistics... but we'll try and do a lap of the bluff on the bikes.... a lap "running" (running is in the quotation marks as I don't officially run... but more waddle and walk)... and then another lap on the bike. Maybe 10 miles biking roughly, 5k running?

Thirdly... Remember for the early fall Goodhue County SingleSpeed Championships... Jake won last year, but is this the year that Matty Ice steals the crown?

And now.... for the good stuff...

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Well... somehow it's almost July... lots or maybe not lots of things have been happening since the last post... in order of no order...

1) Blackbeard is now Mr. Blackbeard as Carly and I got married a few days over a month ago.

2) We went on a long honeymoon to Maui.

3) Marcus is dominating. We need to make sure to be nice to him so he'll talk to us when he's all famous and winning Expert races.

4) Memorial is this weekend!

5) Our kit is awesome, but still sort of hard to pick out of a crowd. Hmmmmmm.

6) Eric the Red, Captain of the Hildr (or whatever his signoff on emails is), broke his freaking collarbone. OUCH!

Now.... we got all of that out of the way...