Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jerseys have been ordered...

Well... the 2011 jerseys have finally been ordered. I would expect them to be around easily a week or two before the first Minnesota Mountain Bike Series event. Big thanks to Andrew and Larry for getting moeny to me in advance. Everyone else... I know where you live so try and get me money whenever you can. They charge 50% upon placing the order and 50% when delivered so it's not a huge deal but I want to have all monies by the beginning of May if possible.

This will be a good time to thank our sponsors (both real and fictional):

Wheelhouse Cycles : Andrew was a founding member of SPH way back in 2007-2008. He now owns a pretty ballin' bike shop down on Old West Main Street in Red Wing (the old Route location). If you need gloves, a saddle, or maybe a helmet... he's got you covered! He also runs an unofficial bike museum with many pristine and really high-end bikes (most around a M or 54") that are lightly ridden. So if you need just a little eye-candy. Swing on down. This year Andrew is also running a more road cycling focused club. Details are being formed now, but weekly rides and maybe some racing sounds to be in the plans.

A Very Swell Idea Inc.: Amos is a swell guy and is great at making your swell ideas become reality. He helped out with our jerseys (he made them look sweet... we subsequently made them clown show again... so don't blame him). Design, engineering, or making Boogerballs... he can do it all.

Cakes by Claire : The name may change, and there may or may not be a website eventually... but Claire is a local baker who is just starting her business. She's made a few really cute cakes, and they are always tasty. The fact that she is married to Jake means that to try and help get her name out... she's a sponsor!

Acme Can Crushers : The summer of '07 (or '08 maybe) was the beginning of it all. All it took was watching someone trying to crush a can with a flat palm in the grass... if you need a great can crusher, you can't do much worse than Acme! Always Recycle!

Thanks all...

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