This just in. Dave Meyer is a dominating force! Or at least he flew past me like I was standing still on about the third lap en route to first place in the B1 race. This also happened to be the Singlespeed Cross Championships for the State of MN. So, Dave is the champ!!!! Nice job Dave. You made it look easy. Here is a shot of Dave on the podium:
My race didn't go quite as well as Dave's, but I did end up passing a BKB dude on the last bit of the last lap. So all was good. The course was amazingly fun I thought. A hill or two to grunt up (not huge, but something), some tight spots, and a big hill o' steps. Beautiful. If I could design a fun course it would be that, only thing missing was mud, but it wasn't in the cards.
Things to work on for next year:
1) Actual speed. This is sort of an issue.
2) Single out the Poprad (or requisition a SS cross bike somehow)
3) Learn/practice/get halfways ok at remounting. It was embarassing out there yesterday. Seriously. I freaked myself out completely.
Thanks Larry for the cheer section! It was a fun 2007. Dave and Jake may have one more race to tackle yet this year, but I think the rest of the crew is done. Good job all. 2008 is just around the corner.
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