My race didn't go quite as well as Dave's, but I did end up passing a BKB dude on the last bit of the last lap. So all was good. The course was amazingly fun I thought. A hill or two to grunt up (not huge, but something), some tight spots, and a big hill o' steps. Beautiful. If I could design a fun course it would be that, only thing missing was mud, but it wasn't in the cards.
Things to work on for next year:
1) Actual speed. This is sort of an issue.
2) Single out the Poprad (or requisition a SS cross bike somehow)
3) Learn/practice/get halfways ok at remounting. It was embarassing out there yesterday. Seriously. I freaked myself out completely.
Thanks Larry for the cheer section! It was a fun 2007. Dave and Jake may have one more race to tackle yet this year, but I think the rest of the crew is done. Good job all. 2008 is just around the corner.