Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ragnarok 3 has came and went

Well... SPH presented by Wheelhouse Cycles had another great day last Saturday and with the help of a pile of racers who generally rode safe and stuff another 'Rok is in the books.

Even though we were busy all day and running around... this is essentially what it felt like at times:

The leaders really rocked the house down and averaged like 7,000,000 knots (which I think is the conversion for 17 or so mph). Of the SPHers who tried the event Elliott did awesome! Finishing on a ridiculously spinnerific gear. Eric did awesome in his own right. Making it to the checkpoint where he decided to live to plunder another day and call it off.

A few of us still have Almanzo coming up... we'll see how that goes. I'll have to squeeze in some long rides right after work as my weekends are getting more busy than these guys:

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