Sunday, October 19, 2008

SPH at the cross races '08 part 2 - Racing in Hudson???

Round two of the SPH cross season (I think it's like round 8 for those who race twice every weekend) landed the crew at the Hudson YMCA. Lots of 180 degree corners, off camber riding, and one fun little maze section were the name of the game.

Big props to Turkey Creek for showing up to cheer!! Even though we suck at cross racing every cheer helps! Get a cross bike and get out there Kate!

Toeing the line for the orange and green were the soon to be shaven Scraggs and the never to be fully shaven Blackbeard. Once again the strategy of the day (at least for Blackbeard) was to sit back at the start and then pick through people. While this makes for a less stressful day, it does make the first lap a bit of a snoozer. Maybe, just maybe one of these times I'll try and stick my nose in the middle of the pack or something. Eh... maybe not. I did hold off the women for most of the race though. Which was a bit of a win I guess.

Where were the Asian Express and Red Beard? Perhaps they were trying to keep up with the accessorizing of last week by Scraggs. Who knows.

Next week? Afton on Saturday and maybe, just MAYBE some racing on Sunday too.

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