Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hot Laps and Cool Chaindrives

First off... it's been a couple of weeks since I've updated the Hot Lap listing... they haven't been overly eventful though, so it's no big thing...

Two weeks ago:

Jake dominated but I didn't record his time. He may recall, but I think he chopped 3 minutes or so off of his time. Job was doing fine until he popped his chain on Southern Cross. No time for him, PLUS a really sweet walk back to the parking lot (good thing he sometime carries a spare bike - note that maybe that was some foreshadowing). Isaac pulled in the rear with about a 43 minute time. No excuses for the almost 3.5 minute slow down. Jake would win the then mythical trophy.


It was another small crew (only Job and Isaac as the SPH representatives for the hot one) and after all was said and done Isaac and Gus were the only finishers of the full lap (Job crashed yet again, and Brian C split off of the main loop). Isaac's time was 41 minutes and 3 seconds. So even though it wasn't really HOT... it was the hottest of those present. Luckily for him this was the first week of the traveling trophy being awarded. And it is sweet.

Now... on to bigger and better things (I know... tough to beat a lap around the local loop). Marcus, Larry, and I headed up to the U.P. to tackle what has become somewhat of a favorite race for some of the SPH crew.... Chaindrive (or The Keweenaw Chain Drive Festival).

What attracts us to this race? It's far but not TOO far away. The singletrack has awesome fast flowy bits, and choppy gross slow bits. Some ski trail. Some ATV trail. A freaking stream crossing (it's pretty wide actually)! The somewhat casual atmosphere also contributes to the general good time.

My gear choices for the ride (more for my sake next year than anything else):
- 32 x 20 (ok gearing if I don't have tons of miles on the legs, SUPER spun out at the beginning so if you're looking for a fast time, this isn't he gear to use)
- two big water bottles with Skratch Labs
- maybe 60 oz of water in my new Camelbak (I may need to do a write up of this... I LOVED racing with this pack... very much UNLIKE my other camelbak experiences)

Some highlights from the race:
- pretty much all of the singletrack was enjoyable... my guess is that Drunken Sailor may not be everyone's cup of tea, but most of the rest of the singletrack was pretty flowy and fast enough
- creek crossing - yet again I flubbed it up (twice this time) but it's refreshing walkin gthrough the cold water too
- not cramping at all

IF you can get up there for it... do this race. Or just get to the Keweenaw to ride. Lots of trails in Copper Harbor, at Tech, in Calumet, etc.

yes... my awesome SS gear has us almost getting passed by the medical crew

Sunday, June 9, 2013


So... the first recorded (officially) SPHHLOM (SPH Hot Lap of Memorial) happened last Thursday. Either everyone hit a time warp or the trails were just super fast!


1) Marcus (30:34.7)
2) Jake (34:29.9)
3) Job (36.52.3)
4) Isaac (39.06.9)
5) Larry (39.54.4)

While everyone won't be able to make every hot lap (and those that missed out on this one are welcome to come to the next Thursday ride) we'll try and keep a tally of everyone's time.

Some general rules:

1) You don't have to be SPH to partake in the hot lap, but you do have to be SPH to win the traveling trophy.
2) We will have a traveling trophy. We'll try and change up the format some so everyone has a chance of winning it (but we won't make it a participation medal either!). We'll need a 5er wrench each Thursday as well to pass the trophy around (assuming someone else gets it).
3) You have to either use an SS once over the summer, or just promise not to shift. We've relented from almost all of our original rules for admission into SPH, but we need some connection to our past.