Thursday, November 24, 2011

Be Thankful! Or just have another turkey leg....

It's that time of year... the cross bikes are all hung up on the chimney with care. And visions of crappy trainers rides are dancing in your cranium. The end o' the year. It was a pretty good one for SPH Cycling presented by Wheelhouse Cycles. The Mad Man Marcus continued to get faster than pretty much everyone. No one got seriously injured (Matt... take it easy on that knee). And we seemed to have some good times. GCSSC !!!!!!

Thanks to the whole gang for another great year. Y'all are the best!

Some thoughts on '012.... we should plan at least one camping weekend/overnight to Cayuna or Levis or CAMBA. Or a longer weekend to Rapid City (though that will be a bit tough). Lets try and get a one-lap race going up on the bluff (maybe before our standard Th rides) just to keep the competitive juices flowing. Keep up the 'cross action... it was a blast! And last but not least... lets make a pact to try not to get burned out by helping put on (or heck... putting on) the race. Let's make it fun by putting on our own stamp. Which is probably sort of like a tramp stamp to be honest...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

You know it's time for States....

You know it must be time for the big State Champs 'Cross weekend when the weather starts to turn from this , to this!

Well... it'll only be a half hour (no singlespeed race this year) so whatever. Should make for some interesting times for sure.

Odds are there won't be a stream to run through though...


Friday, November 11, 2011

2012 Jersey Plan...???

Hey all... Matty Ice was getting pumped for next year already (as Matty Ice is wont to do) and wondering about the jerseys for next year.

Now... we've sort of done a new jersey each year for the past few years... but I think in general people seemed to like these jerseys (plus they are pretty decent ads for Andrew's shop... whether they ever got someone to stop by the shop is questionable). So... we could have another year on the current design. It is gaudy yet respectable. Or we could re-write the script and come up with something a bit more garish and true to our origins...

Vote for your favorite option:

1) Keep the same jerseys (we could do another order of these)
2)New jerseys/shorts/etc.

Jake and I were throwing ideas around and if we wanted to get stupid we had the thought of puzzle pieces... orange and green and stuff... or we could resurrect the lederhosen... or go totally old school with the original black design that we had screen printed... MELTY!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


So... only a few weekends of racing left... this Sunday will see at least one SPHer in Bayport to tackle another 30 minutes of pain (I really need to just upgrade my license even though I am slow). Then at least once next weekend (19-20) will see the crew heading up to take on the fabled course in Crystal for the State Championships...

For a preview of the course....

There are a couple of races in December in Rosemount but who knows how cold that will get. I'm sure at least one of them will see us try our best. Watching the extended weather forecast pumps a guy up!!!


Last few weeks of the 'cross season (for those of us not racing in Madison in January... Matty Ice... REPRESENT!!! )

Sunday, November 6, 2011

GCSSC Official results

GSCCS 2011 is in the books. With enough wind to set sail almost all of SPH decided to take to land instead. Here are the Official result signed by the President himself.

Jake "Scraggs" Huot 1:26
Marcus "kusethegoose" Warrington 1:29
Elliott "Cabin Boy" Krizek 1:43
Larry "Lar-dogg" Warrington 1:43.29
Isaac "Blackbeard" Giesen 1:46
Eric "The Red" Fredrickson 1:51
Job "Asain Express" Petersen DNF (did make if further than last year)

A big thanks to Matt "Matty-ice" Riley for keeping time and cheering us on. (knee issues stopped him from dominating).

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Just a reminder...

The second annual Goodhue County Single Speed Championship is tomorrow (Sunday the 6th), beginning at 2 pm.

Meet at the Lower Quarry Parking Lot up on Memorial between 1:30 and 1:45 to go through the details of the course and to make sure that we get going on time.

Rough course outline - North trails on the bluff - Lehrbach, Orchard, Flueger, Lehrbach - south trails on the bluff. Typically we've gone red trails on the north side and blue trails on the south side.

It is deer opener this weekend so our bright colors will come in handy.