Here ye Here ye be weary of what you might find, some day a Smelly Pirate Hooker might swipe you buy. Here you will find the crew of Blackbeard, Eric the Red, Asain Express, and Ol Scragglybeard and there cycling adventures. Any where from the local fix cruise, a cycling adventure, or some die hard racing.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
This is spring? More like spwinter! If the weather doesn't get a wee bit warmer and drier soon me thinks that the schooners won't be on the singletrack til nigh on the middle of May! Luckily Lar-dog, probably the youngster Marcus and ole Blackbeard are looking to work our singletrack magic in Rochester for the wacky race called the Sandwich 50 in early May.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
SSSS is fassssst approaching!
With the weather finally changing the first SSSS (SPH Super Sprint Series) race is fast approaching!
Meetings are already happening to try and unseat Jake as the undefeated sprint champ.

Initial planning shows that race #1 will be on April 15th, at 6:30. Pre-race "meeting" will be by the old starting line or something like it. We could also meet in the work parking lot and cruise from there.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Weekend ride report
I heard the following SWEET! song so determined that we would have to check out a little bit of the 'rok (please insert the oomlaut) course...
Lar-Dog and I hopped in the man-of-war to get to the testing waters. Some steep uphills and fun downhills preceded a section that I would call "slick"... in fact if you were Dan Jansen you actually would have been in your element...
The snow was our salvation. That turned to sweet sweet gravel... which turned to lava flow looking piles of river silt... which turned to a pile of sand... which turned into 3-4 shocked people out for a nature walk...
The race next weekend should be interesting.
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