Anyways, the Asian Express, Scraggs and Blackbeard (along with their significant others) have started on a mission to drop a few pounds.
Wait a second... I know you are all asking yourselves... "SPH, but why oh why would you want to drop any fat off of those bones? Aren't you all studmuffins already?"
Well, yes we are. BUT that doesn't mean we can't improve ourselves just a little bit. The Dread Pirate Roberts was dangerous when he had a big boat, but when he got a sloop (or something else nautical sounding) is when he became famous. So... the goal is to take SPH to new levels of fun and competitiveness...
Blackbeard, for his part is dropping weight so there is a chance that he'll be able to climb with the Lar Dog and maybe beat Marcusman for one more year.
Some things that we're doing if you want to emulate your heros:
- eating a little better (ie not eating out EVERY night)
- running (slowly)
- hockey league
- cross country skiing
- snowshoeing
- trainer rides!
- stealing the booty