Saturday, March 22, 2008

Snow in March is for scurvy dogs

Here is the state of the opening climb of any gravel road ride as of yesterday. I'm pretty sick of winter right about now. Lehrbach (I can't spell it correctly!) was actually rideable up the easy side. Sloppy all the way up, but not too bad.

But once on top of the bluff/hill things got a bit more dicey. It was definately only a one lane thoroughfare as I don't think an official plow had done anything up there. Just some kind soul with a 4x4 and a plow on the front of it. This sketched me out as I didn't trust that I wouldn't die going down the harder side of the hill, so I packed it in and bombed down the hill back to the golf course.

Which left my bike half encased in frozen Goodhue county gravel muck. This stuff is gross, and probably destroyed my BB. We'll see....

Here's hoping for 2 things. 1) A couple of warm weeks to get the Ragnarok course in shape and B) that our Chequamagonagongagon checks are cashed.

Happy Easter all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Man Down!!!!

Get better soon Scraggs! Don't worry... we'll hold down the fort racing wise until you're back up and sucking in the MNSCS series and stuff. Now you have an excuse for me kicking your arse.

Lose that extra gut that you're growing and build up for Chequamagon! It's only 8 or 9 months away!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Decision time - Finally some real outside riding

I'll let the pictures do the talking. Only enough time for 30 miles... Lehrbach-Orchard-Flueger-Old Church-Hill Valley-Kolshorn-Old Church-Langhans-Flueger-Orchard-Lehrbach.