Monday, September 24, 2007

Exercise the Landlubber Way

Note to all ye SPHians. When a swarthy dog (who happens to be a good friend) asks ye if ye would like to run 26.2 miles (I think that works out to 345218 fathoms or somethin nautical like), respond "Nay you scurvy dog!". Lovable Blackbeard responded "Yeah, that be something I'd be up fer a tryin'!". Yarghhh.

14 miles of jogging the plank later and only a fortnight until the race and ole Blackbeard is starting ta think that he should just leave the running to all ye landlubbers. Blackbeard will be able to draw on all of his pirate powers to make it through, but will it be as fun as plunderin some booty? More like taking a trip to Davey Jones' Locker.

YARGH! (Oh... vote Blackbeard... only 700some days left!)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stay tuned

With the racing season coming to a close, perhaps the SPHers will have some time to give back to their loyal fans... submit any questions you have for the crazy piratical single speeders and we'll get them answers. Also... stay tuned for your heroes' bios.... oooooo can't wait.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The blast from the mothership!

A bit of Chipotle in the belly and gas in the air, we arrived at at Telemark friday night. Sailing through the crowds to meet and greet sailors of another ship. Waking up nice and early to a crisp air The Chequamegeon starts. With about 50 of 1,700 people behind us the gun explodes. Eric the Great and Scrags are off, with both loosing water bottles, the dust and rocks became pretty extreme. In the end it wasn't so bad, Scraggs with a time of 2hr 50min claiming 449th place and The Great coming in at 3hr 9min not sure on the placing. 3hr 9min, SPH represented. Special note to Blackbeard for making the 3+ hour trek to northern Wisco. to spread his love to fellow mates!

Straight from a fellow expert racer! Read the red!

Jacob Huot with the way cool kit. A few years ago he showed up at Maplelag thinking the race was going on but he was a few weeks early. I told him about the race in Jamestown so he went and did that. The spirit of mountain biking. He had some coding on his back. Not sure what it meant. The cheering section on Stairway (which was the best of the year) had the same coding.