Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some salmon and corn was the reward for a hard 24 hours of work for three of the team (ole Blackbeard took a few hours off).

The hills were nasty, the rocks were rocky, and the night was nighty.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Big hill and sickness!

Both suck, especially when the pirate crew is slackin'. With Blackbeard on hiatus with sickness and lack of forks, and scraggs just sucking. It wasn't the best for the pirates, untill...... the viking himself pulled it together, Eric the Great pulled through with a win and gave SPH some golden booty that was well needed. With all the riches locked up, its time to conquer a new ship... 24 hours of afton, see you there!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Yo ho ho and a bottle of chocolate milk

Twas a dreary morn as we decided to throw 20 bucks out the window for the River City Ramble. A couple of landlubbers talked me into the TCM so the 10K was the name of the game for Scraggs and I. The race started out good... got slow... then ended better. My pace was a bit like I was walkin the plank (or something else suitably nautical) at times, but with the amount of time I have in, it wasn't too bad. Scraggs race the 10K in 52 minutes. I was 5 minutes back. I think we both could have gone faster, but Scraggs is racing in Mpls on the morrow, and I'm still using the fact that I've had a long running flu....

On other related news, I have to send in my second fork in a week to the dockyards for repair. I'm down to my little schooner only. I bet that it breaks before any one of the lads gets any booty. Except Capt. Job. He needs no help in that search.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ye ship sank in the muddy banks of R'n' R

Yaaaaargh, was the word of the day, except for one pirate hooker. With the help of Eric ,the ship made it to the bank. With an outstanding second place finish he propelled us into the the banks. As the day went on the search for booty lessoned, with a cracked fork for Isaac and a demoralizing crash for Jake, the ship started to go down. All and all I think we can rebuild and conquer the hills of the Welch.

Tuesday night races have been a hit and miss.... with a few cannonballs to the gut and one in the tire... the SPH crew managed to pull out a 3rd and 4th finish at the gully of white tail. Ole Black had a different story.... the cannonball was the name of the game for he.... as it felt like he not only was hit but had to drag one behind.